We are very lucky to live in a village which has a great community space. An old walled garden from one of the larger houses, it’s a wonderful place to enjoy a quiet moment, a game of rounders and use as a venue for our village events.
The garden has a children’s play area with equipment (Lottery funded), six allotments, a summerhouse and football area. It’s a very peaceful place surrounded by trees and hedgerows, and is hidden from view from the road.
To keep the grass under control there is a mowing rota and there are regular ‘tidy ups’ where volunteers join in for a general clear up. The power tools come out and cakes are usually provided to keep everyone’s strength up.
The garden brings the community together young and old and is a great focus for events throughout the year. Suffice to say the bar is usually rather busy!
Currently the Secret Garden is open for socially distanced recreation and for the allotment owners to get their plants in.
We are all hopeful that when restrictions are lifted, we can join together and celebrate with a sensational village event!